Bus #5 and # 3 will be late.
November is Native American Heritage Month. Students are always allowed to wear their traditional clothing, but every Wednesday in November we are wearing our ribbon skirts, tear dresses, ribbon shirts, vests, moccasins, etc. Please join us in celebrating Native American Heritage Month!
Due to the possibility of hazardous weather, our after-school program will be cancelled today, November 4th.
NSU College of Optometry will be at Briggs on November 8th to conduct vision screenings for Pre-K and Kindergarten students. Parents, if you do NOT wish for your child to participate in the free vision screening, please sign the previously sent form and return it. You may also view and print the form from the provided link. https://5il.co/30hjb
Shirt orders from Robotics sales should have been sent out by today. A few items were not in yet and that information should have been noted on the order forms. Please Contact Mrs. Davenport for any questions or concerns. Another order will go out in in a few weeks if you missed out on getting one! Be on the look out for more information!
Mrs. Davenport (918) 456-4221 ext: 280 or hdavenport@briggs.k12.ok.us
Hide from Drugs! Wear your costume day! More fun!
Hide from Drugs! Wear your costume day! More fun photos!
Academic meet Monday (Nov. 4th) at 9:30 a.m. against Norwood. The match will be here at Briggs.
5th - 8th basketball Tuesday, Nov. 5th at Oktaha beginning at 4:30 p.m.
3rd/4th grade basketball Monday, Nov. 4th in the Woodall Tournament. Girls play Woodall at 4:00 p.m. and boys will play Woodall at 4:30 p.m. Winners will play at 5:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Monday (Nov. 4th). Losers will play at 4:00 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday (Nov. 5th).
5th-8th basketball, Thursday, Nov. 7th at Maryetta beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Reminder: Student council is sponsoring "Coins for Cancer." This year all money will be donated to the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. The class that raises the most money will receive a pop/popcorn party. Last day is this Friday (11/1)!!
There will be no cheer practice today (10/28) in the after school program.
REMINDER: 5th - 8th fall dance will be tonight Monday, Oct. 28th from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Admission is $5 per student and each student will receive 2 glow sticks with paid admission. Concession stand items will be available for purchase. The dance is for Briggs students only.
POWDERPUFF Tuesday October 29th, 1st game at 5:00 p.m.
Gate Admission: $5.00
Concession will be available
Ms. Galvin's Math Class completed a unit on Volume and Surface area of geometric figures. Students had to make an animal using a prism, cylinder, cone, and sphere. The students then had to measure the dimensions and calculate the volume and surface area of each component and calculate the total. Students displayed their calculations on a poster and presented their animal. The students did an AMAZING JOB!!!
Congrats to our Students of the Month for October and to our Teacher/Staff of the month as well! Briggs is so proud of your hard work!!!
Fall Carnival
November 9th: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Carnival in the upper gym, BINGO in the cafeteria.
Be sure to visit some of our Gifted and Talented students that are set up in the Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle School Buildings. They have free hygiene items to give away. The soaps smells great!!!
These students carry a strong leadership trait and possess an exceptional ability to relate to and motivate others. They have the ability to convince people to act or not act in specific ways. Leaders are often self-confident and comfortable with their peers. Characteristics may include influencing peers, being sought out by others to accomplish a task, addressing a need, holding high expectations for self and others, demonstrating or delegating responsibility, and internalizing concepts of right and wrong.
This is a reminder of our cell phone policy. The cell phone policy can be found on page 20 in the student handbook. You may access the student handbook from our website or from the provided link. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we strive to provide learning opportunities, free of distractions. Please view the handbook here. https://5il.co/2bdyv
Cell Phone Policy
Student cell phones, air pods, bluetooth headphones, or smart watches will need to be powered off during school hours. We understand that it is difficult to feel out of touch with your student, but parents can call the office to relay messages. If students need to talk to their parents they can come to the office or use the school phones in the classroom. Some of the difficulties we face with hundreds of cell phones being used by students include the possibility of:
Students taking pictures/videos of other students without permission and posting to social media.
Students continuously checking their phones during class.
Students watching movies/video clips, or listening to music during class.
Students participating in group texts/chats during the school day.
Students bullying other students through group texts/chats.
Students who violate this policy will have their device placed in the main office and returned to them at the end of the day.
In case of emergency situations students will be allowed to use their phones.
ORES State football semi finals Saturday, Oct. 26th at Sequoyah High School. Briggs will play Maryetta beginning at 2:00 p.m.