Virtual Learning Information

Parent Guide

Distance Learning Guide For Briggs Public School

Overview & Purpose

  • The purpose of this guide is to provide answers and expectations during our time of distance learning. 

  • Our hope is to maintain academic rigor while providing a sense of stability to our students and their families 


  • Students will be required to complete all assignments. In order to receive credit, parents will send a picture or email to their child’s teacher by the end of each week of a checklist of work completed.

  • Students should be able to complete daily assignments.

  • Some students may take additional time for daily assignments. 

  • Students on IEPs or 504s will be contacted by their special education teacher or counselor to be sure assistance, accommodations and modifications are provided. 

  • Parents and students can find additional suggestions for extended learning from our school website, which is

Example Time Frame For Distance Learning

Prekindergarten & Kindergarten: 45 minutes a day

  • 15 minutes read-aloud and literacy skills 

  • 15 minutes math 

  • 15 minutes of reading skills practices (i.e. rhyming, sounds in a word, and letter names and letter sounds) 

  • Extended learning: 

    • 30-60 minutes of outdoor play 

    • 10-20 minutes of reading with family (books of their choice) 

    • 30 minutes of imaginative play


1st & 2nd Grade: 1 hour and 10 minutes a day

  • 30 minutes for read-aloud or independent reading, including reading tasks or writing prompts 

  • 20 minutes for a combination of math lessons, activities, application practice or games focused on concepts, skills or content (i.e., number sense, computation, problem solving, etc.) three times a week 

  • 20 minutes of science/social studies activities or lessons connected to an overarching project or topic of study one time a week each 

  • Flexible time for physical education, music and art  

3rd through 5th grade: 1 hour and 20 minutes a day

  • 20 minutes of read-aloud or independent reading 

  • 20 minutes of reading or writing lessons, tasks or prompts; may include 15 minutes of independent writing 

  • 20 minutes for a combination of math lessons, activities, application practice or games focused on concepts, skills or content of the unit (i.e., number sense, computation, problem solving, etc.) 

  • 20 minutes of science/social studies activities or lessons connected to an overarching project or topic of study 

  • Flexible time for physical education, music and art 

6th through 8th grade: 2 hours a day

  • 30 minutes, 4 times a week for English 

  • 30 minutes, 4 times a week for math 

  • 30 minutes, 4 times a week for science 

  • 30 minutes, 2 times a week for social studies 

  • Flexible time for physical education, music and art

Distribution Of Student Packets

  • All Packets will be prepared for all students. 

  • Packets will be delivered at same meal locations and during meal deliveries starting Monday, April 6th.

  • Personal items left at school will be delivered with learning packets.

How To Communicate With My Childs Teacher(S)

  • Teachers will have daily office hours to assist your child and help students with any problems that might arise.  Office hours will be held in a virtual platform that will be selected by your child's teacher.  This may include but is not limited to Facebook, text message, Zoom, email or phone calls.  Be sure to read the cover sheet in your child’s learning packet with contact information and times. 

  • Our teacher’s commitment is to get your students the help and answers they need as immediate as possible.  If you email or contact outside of the teacher’s scheduled hours, teachers will answer the emails as promptly as possible but please allow for a 24 hour turn around understanding most teachers have 25 or more students in 6 different subject areas to answer.  

  • Teachers will attempt to make contact twice per week to check in on your child and log all contact and/or attempts.


  • When your child(ren) complete their weekly assignments, you can send a picture or email of the checklist in the packet of the completed work to their teacher(s). 


  • Students on 504s or IEP will be contacted by a member of our special education team or counselor to ensure we are all working together to meet the individual needs of students. 

  • All IEPs and 504 meetings that are due to be reviewed and updated before the end of the school year will be done. We will be using conference calls or Zoom.  Special Education teachers will be contacting you to set up these meetings and find out your preferences.  

  • If your student is experiencing difficulties academically or emotionally please reach out to our staff for help. We understand our students may experience different difficulties in this changing time.    

  • We will be reaching out to parents as we strive to resume related services such as speech and OT.  These services may look different but we are committed to following through on our students related service needs.


  • ALL access of buildings is restricted.  In order to protect our staff and families, no one enters the buildings.  

  • We understand that students still have personal belongings in the school, and we are working to pack these items up for students and deliver at the same time we deliver the learning packets.  

  • If you have medication at school, please contact Michelle at 918-456-4221 ext. 100 and make arrangements to get the medication.