
Meningococcal Meningitis

Important information for Parents about Meningococcal Disease and Meningococcal Vaccines from the Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Oklahoma Required Immunizations

Please visit the Oklahoma State Department of Health for more information about immunizations.

IMMUNIZATIONS – All students are required to keep complete immunization records on file. These records must be kept in compliance with the Oklahoma State Immunization Law. Without current and up-to-date immunization records, no students shall be permitted to enroll in the District unless the student presents to the school at the student’s initial enrollment either:

● Certification from a licensed physician or authorized representative of the State Department of Public Health that such student has received, or is in the process of receiving, immunizations required by the Department of Public Health, or that such student is likely to be immune as a result of the disease; or
● A Certificate of Exemption form stating that the child is exempt from the immunization requirements on the ground that (1) the physical condition of the student is such that immunization would endanger the life or health of the student signed by a physician; (2) the parent/guardian of the child objects to such test or immunizations for religious reasons; or (3) the parent/guardian claims an exemption for person reasons. A copy of the Certificate of Exemption will be forwarded to the Department of Public Health for review and approval.